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In These Shoes? — a note from the editor

Mxogyny began in 2018 as an online feminist publication, with the goal of creating a platform for marginalised creatives to share their work. Today, we are thrilled to be publishing the third print edition of our zine, focusing on the theme: ‘Assumptions’.

An assumption is a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. We may attempt to fill in gaps in our knowledge through assuming, but when does this stop being useful and become damaging?

How do we separate fact from fiction in order to better ourselves and our communities?

We must always investigate our assumptions to check if they’re valid and serving us. In These Shoes? opens up a conversation across a broad spectrum of backgrounds, exploring how we can come together through empathy for one another to challenge social expectations, express and celebrate marginalised identities. The practice of freedom is about untethering ourselves from assumption and choosing connection.

The DIY aesthetic of our latest zine is inspired by Riot Grrrl — an underground punk movement, born out of third wave of feminism in the USA. Mxogyny’s movement echoes this rallying call to address issues such as sexual violence, patriarchal ideals, queer identities, and female empowerment. Through elevating the stories excluded from mainstream media, we seek to launch a publication of rebellion and empowerment.

Mxogyny continues to uphold an inclusive, supportive space to nurture emerging creatives. We would like to extend an enormous thank you to everyone who contributed to this edition, all those behind the scenes who make the day-to-day running of Mxogyny possible, and you — the reader, for buying this zine and joining our movement.

Grace Payne-Kumar, Zine Project Coordinator

In These Shoes is available for purchase in our online shop.